Saturday, October 16, 2010


Textese: also known as SMS language is defined as a term for abbreviations of the English language used in texting, instant messaging and chat rooms.

With the introduction of mobile phones and instant messaging people began shortening their messages to communicate faster.With the younger generation texting all hours of the day it has become necessary to shorten the English language to get as much across in one message without exhausting your fingers. Why type an entire grammatically correct sentence when it can be shortened to a few letters and number?

There are now so many abbreviations that not even the most frequent texter can identify. This is manly because different groups use different phrases. For example a online gamer may have different abbreviations for words that a non gamer may not identify with unless they are familiar with the topic. The same goes for a frequent Twitter user who will also have abbreviations that a non user would not know.

But the question is does this SMS language affect the English language? Though it is only the shortening of certain words and a few substitutions many feel that it is affecting how kids especially learn how to spell correctly. This argument is countered with the fact that just like differentiating between languages these same kids understand that it all depends on the context. Different situations call for different writing.As long as the correct context and use of language is taught earlier on there is no damage.

<333...Bigger Heart
i<3u...I heart you
143....1 for i...4 in LOVE...3 in YOU
831....8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning
ILU.... I Love U
ILY......I Love You
LY.......Love Ya
LYLC..Love You Like Crazy
LYSM..Love You So Much

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