So, a few years ago a new craze exploded and took over the country- Crocs. Everywhere you turned, someone was wearing a Croc of a different color, but of course there were many opposing opinions about the shoe. They were obviously not very fashionable, but the people who bought them weren't interested in the fashion as much as they were in the comfort of the shoe. The shoe came in so many colors and sizes that the whole families were matching their crocs to their outfits.
Soon, they brought out "jibbitz" which are little charms that goes into the holes in the front of the shoe. They varied in color, shape and were brought out to celebrate the different seasons. For purpose of writing this blog, I decided to search for Crocs, and found that it has its own website (,default,sc.html). After checking out the link some more, I came to realize that there are so many different forms of the croc. Apparently they now come in boots, heels&wedges, sandals, slippers, sport, work and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Its just amazing to see how one, pretty ugly shoe has evolved, and the product line so long and wide. And I honestly don't think this trend will go away any time too soon. Crocs are apparently way too comfortable for people to just stop wearing it. Admittedly, some of the styles seem to look pretty decent, especially the ones in the Flats section.
If you have a pair, I hope I haven't offended you :) lol but...i guess Crocs are pretty much way more on the rise.
This is a interesting blog! I have noticed this croc explosion. Everywhere I see them in all sorts of colors. It is kind of interesting because I've never worn them before. I'm real curious as to how comfy they really are. I might need to invest in a pair real soon. I wonder who invited these shoes in particular? He must be very rich right now !!